Adult Leader Recognition

Veteran Award

The Veteran Award is an adult recognition. However, tenure earned as a youth may be included in the total number of years registered.

After five years of registered service in the Boy Scouts of America, an adult may, upon application, receive the designation of “Veteran” provided the person agrees to live up to the Scouting obligations; to keep local Scouting authorities in the community in which residing informed as to availability for service; and, further, to be as active in the promotion of the cause of Scouting as circumstances and conditions permit. Service in Scouting organizations other than the Boy Scouts of America does not count toward veteran recognition.

An adult designated veteran shall pay the regular registration fee if desiring to continue to retain active connection with the movement.

Scouters desiring recognition as 5-, 10-, 15-, 20-, 25-, 30-, 35-, 40-, 45-, 50-, 55-, 60-, 65-, 70-, 75-, or 80-year veterans must have maintained an active registered relationship for the required number of years, paying the annual registration fee.

The records of the national office and local council shall determine eligibility. The periods of service claimed for veteran recognition need not be continuous.

Adult Recognition

Scouters receive recognition awards known as “knots” for successful service, training, and heroism.  Several knots are awarded to youth (Arrow of Light, Eagle, Venturing Silver, Religious Emblem, Heroism, etc.).  Adults who earned these knots as youth are entitled to wear them on their adult uniform.

Two special awards are awarded by local Council to Scouts who perform meritorious service.

The Silver Beaver Award is presented by Los Padres Council at the Annual Awards Dinner every January. Nominations are due at the Council Office no later than December 1 of the year prior.

The District Award of Merit is presented by the Districts within the Council to eligible Scouters. These Awards are normally presented in the Spring and deadlines vary by District. Check with your District Executive regarding the nomination process in your District.
