Los Padres Press February 2021

BSA ScoutingCouncil Executive Message

Families, friends, and supporters,

I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. 2020 was one of the most challenging years not only for Scouting, but our country and world at large, but better days are ahead of us as the vaccine for this pandemic is getting into the arms of all of us soon.

While we all faced challenges and frustrations our Scouts still did what they do best, give service to others. Thanks to the leadership and support of many of you our scouts found unique and special ways to not only keep scouting, but to focus even more on helping others, specially those in most need. In 2020 our scouts cleaned up beaches, parks, forest, neighborhoods, and the outdoors in general. Our Scouts organized food drives, packaged and delivered food for those in need. They constructed PPE for medical staff, planted trees, and spread cheer to those that needed it.

Click here to download the Los Padres Press February 2021 Edition
