Los Padres Press December 2020

BSA Scouting


Los Padres Council’s program has impacted youth and our community for 101 years now.

We have faced many challenges this year and still have others to face in 2021. While some of those seem insurmountable, together we can conquer them and thrive once again. The pandemic has slowed down our movement and with the BSA bankruptcy looming there are somethings to worry about, but at the same time this experience has led us to focus on our core mission and guided us towards improvement.

The inability to physically meet tough us how to interact and keep scouting virtually. Our Scouts figured out innovative and impactful ways to do their good turn and give service to others. Our volunteers adjusted to make Scouting available to our youth virtually and in smaller controlled groups. Scouts kept advancing and making an impact in our community with a cheerful attitude and a positive outlook. For all of that I am thankful.

Click here to download the Los Padres Press December 2020 Edition
