Yo-Yo Preview Adventure sponsored by Duncan Toys

This adventure gives Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts the opportunity to learn the concepts that make a yo-yo work and the basic physics of a pendulum. LEARN MORE

Scouting and the Science of Fun

Scouting is fun. Science is fun. We have both. “What’s under the grass?” “Why are you ticklish?” “7 Sweet Candy Experiments.” If you’re looking for cool activities, check this out!

Fun projects for kids that you can do from home

As public places, including many parks and campgrounds, are closing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, you might be left scratching your head on what you and your kids can do. Plenty! (Continue reading at Bryan on Scouting)

Quarantine Camp

Los Padres Council, Boy Scouts of America would like to invite all of our Scouts to participate in our
Quarantine Camp Photo Contest. Come rain, snow, sleet, or social distancing, our Scouts will still camp!
Scouts! Go grab your gear and build an awesome campsite with your family in your home!

Download the  Quarantine Camp Flyer & Rules

For a limited time, get an entire year’s worth of Boys’ Life issues for free!

Find projects you can create at home and stories that will take young readers’ minds on adventures all over the world. Download the app for access from the App Store or on Google Play.

Boys’ Life: Projects That Can Be Done at Home

Merit Badge Management with Scoutbook

A look at what Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Scouts, Parents and Merit Badge Counselors can do using Scoutbook for Merit Badge tracking. WATCH

Scouting and the Science of Fun

Scouting is fun. Science is fun. We have both. “What’s under the grass?” “Why are you ticklish?” “7 Sweet Candy Experiments.” If you’re looking for cool activities, check this out!

Quarantine Camp

Los Padres Council, Boy Scouts of America would like to invite all of our Scouts to participate in our
Quarantine Camp Photo Contest. Come rain, snow, sleet, or social distancing, our Scouts will still camp!
Scouts! Go grab your gear and build an awesome campsite with your family in your home!

Download the  Quarantine Camp Flyer & Rules

Merit badges for social distancing: 58 badges Scouts can complete at home

In times of crisis, Scouts find a way to adapt. We’re hearing from Scouts and leaders across the country who have found creative ways to keep on Scouting even while practicing social distancing (staying home and remaining at least 6 feet from others if you must go out). (Continue reading at Bryan on Scouting)

For a limited time, get an entire year’s worth of Boys’ Life issues for free!

Find projects you can create at home and stories that will take young readers’ minds on adventures all over the world. Download the app for access from the App Store or on Google Play.

Boys’ Life: Projects That Can Be Done at Home

Youth Protection Reminder

It’s critical that we all continue to keep youth protection top-of-mind whether our Scouting activities are taking place in person or through a digital platform. Of note, remember that BSA prohibits any one-on-one interaction between an adult leader and a Scout – in person, online, through a web conference, over the phone, via text, or in any other form.

Detailed youth protection information is available here. To ensure you are following safety standards for all Scouting activities, please reference the Guide to Safe Scouting.

The BSA’s Social Media Guidelines serve as a complement to our youth protection policies.

National Statement on COVID-19

To our Scouting community,

As always, the safety of our Scouts, volunteers, employees and communities is our top priority.

As we monitor and adjust to the ever–changing Coronavirus pandemic, we must uphold our promise to help other people at all times. Today, that means continuing to do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19, which is now present in all 50 states.

Updated Guidance: The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) strongly advises that in-person meetings, activities, events and gatherings be suspended through April.

New resources to help you continue Scouting at home:

  • Scouting.org/ScoutingAtHome – a webpage with an ever-growing list of resources  to help our Scouting families and friends safely continue their adventures. Also check out #ScoutingAtHome and your council’s website for even more activities, ideas and helpful tips.
  • COVID-19 FAQ – a webpage dedicated to answering your questions on advancement, internet safety, and the coming summer season.

